A. Snyder, GWC
Standards and Appeals committee
The KBA Standards and Appeals Committee (SAC) is established to ensure that KBA identification and delineation is consistent with the KBA Standard. The KBA SAC is an independent committee responsible for ensuring that KBA identification is objective, transparent, and scienceābased. Specifically, the KBA SAC seeks to ensure that the original intent of "A Global Standard for the identification of Key Biodiversity Areas" is adhered to.
The KBA SAC is responsible for developing and regularly updating the guidelines for using a Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas, in collaboration with the KBA Technical Working Group (TWG) of the KBA Committee. The guidelines will provide detailed guidance on the practical application of the KBA Categories and Criteria in a range of contexts, with illustrative examples.
When disagreement about the identification or delineation of a site as a KBA leads to a formal appeal, the KBA SAC will adjudicate and make an independent binding ruling on the appeal.
The KBA SAC also provides advice on the interpretation of the KBA Criteria, responds to requests for scientific advice and guidance from the KBA Partners and TWG, and reviews KBA training materials and approaches. The KBA SAC reports directly to the chairs of the IUCN Species Survival Commission and the World Commission on Protected Areas.
The current chairs of the KBA SAC are John Lamoreux and Diego Juffe Bignoli (chair.sac@keybiodiversityareas.org).
Main documents:
Terms of Reference of the KBA Standards and Appeals Committee
Procedure for Handling of Appeals against the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas